Happy New Year’s Eve

 I wanted to wish my new friends a happy new year! Mom says 2020 has been a real bust, but I haven’t minded her being home with me everyday since March. We spend more time at home and I’m ok with that too. We do occasionally go for rides to get out and I get to bark at people and say hi as we pass... 

I thought I would post some of my favorite pictures from 2020!

I am concentrating and watching my favorite show, the Mickey Mouse Club!  

Which toy to play with first?  

Somehow I got myself stuck back here

Aww, mom, I know I am cute...

So what I took your spot, I am not moving...

I bark to my little hearts content.  

Oh darn, I want to play with that puppy too!

Yep, lovin' this ottoman here... 

I hate Mondays!  

Sleeping in the spare bedroom where no one can find me.  

Aw, geez, I thought this was my pillow... 

All snuggled in for the night, the angel I am... 

Oh look, here is the halo to prove it!  

Cuddling up with my furry bed.  

Wishing gator wasn't so far away... can you push him over here?  Oh and he's headless because I chewed his head off!  

Hmm... now what can I get into here?  

Searching for Santa Claus, he has to come to my house!  

This darn thing, I just know there is something I will like if I can get the paper off!

Don't even think about taking my gift from Santa away from me!

Snow lover on Christmas Day! 

Did some snorkeling... 

Loving the things in this box even though they are not meant for me, they sure smell good!  

I hope you have a happy and safe New Years!  
